Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Caring for Indoor Plants

Keeping the needs of water and humidity of indoor plants should not be given too much water, because it will be too wet and mushrooming. Simply feel the soil moisture. Let the water flow out through the hole until the bottom of the pot. Plants are placed in a room with air conditioning or AC more attention because the air conditioning dries the air humidity.

Choosing the appropriate plant (pot or container plants) other than as a function of aesthetics is also important to know the growth of roots and shoots. Put a pot or container of plastic or plastic liat.Bahan soil will retain moisture longer soil temperature, while the clay material to create humidity in normal circumstances. Container plants suitable for crop when the time is inserted freely mean size was appropriate. Give also the drainage hole at the bottom of the pot.

What should be noticed also the air temperature and lighting indoor plants are generally able to live with limited sunlight. However, not without setting the temperature and light. Too low or high temperature can cause damage. While the light, the plants still need for it every one or two weeks to remove the plant gets sun for two to three hours. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight because it will scorch the plants.

Indoor plants need to also get the fertilizer. Use a fertilizer that has a balance nitrogern, phosphorus, and potassium. This element is important for the growth of stems, leaves, roots, and power plants. Diligent tanamanan cut leaves that turn yellow or sick. Trimming provide opportunities for developing new leaf buds. To avoid pests and diseases, can spray insecticide that is safe for plants and humans.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

small corner sofa

Corner sofa has a fairly large size to accommodate a seating capacity of guests. In the narrow room, a sofa corner placement can outsmart the limited space but still serve comfort.

Bunk Bed solution

You can still meet demand at a time baby do not add space for a child's room. The solution, by using bunk beds or familiarly called Bunk beds. Bunk bed or beds arranged vertically to make the remaining space in the child's room can be used for the placement of other fields, such as study table, wardrobe, and accessories or other furniture.

design that contains a variety of facilities, such as storage racks or even a closet. For example, look at the picture, in which the storage shelves in addition to the body of Bunk beds can also be found in the area of ​​the stairs to the bed above. Take advantage of the facilities on Bunk beds like these to store items of children, as a place of books, toys, even clothing.

With a note color selection, strength, and material of manufacture that is safe for health. Considerable design problem that is not stale or "too child " because the children were growing rapidly towards teens. We recommend that you involve your children in choosing Bunk beds because they who will be occupying. Give understanding to share the space between the eldest and youngest. Even in a room with a restricted area, comfort can still be enjoyed.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

beautiful scenery

residence with beautiful views with open bed will add a peaceful atmosphere

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